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Beautiful Skin Through Healthy Guts

by Verena Prantl |  | 2 comments

Our daily hustling and bustling along with stress often affects our stomachs adversely. We know that if we eat a lot of unhealthy products, digestive problems are inevitable. But for a long time nobody was really aware of the fact that our complexion also suffers because of this. Maybe this fact was also ignored, because otherwise we would have to abandon some truly delicious sins.

In this article we reveal why a healthy bowel is so important and how it relates to our skin and what you need to consider to build a healthy gut flora.

Intestine: Why is it so Important?

Some books have already tried to answer this question, why exactly the intestine plays such an important yet an underestimated role. One of the most important functions besides its digestive function is its defense mechanism. About 80% of all immune cells necessary for defense is present in the intestine. This fact makes it crucial for us to be more aware and to pay more attention to what we eat - because not everything that the intestine is digesting has a positive influence on the digestive and immune system. Not only does stress and smoking have a negative impact on our overall health, but it also weakens the gut - and therefore our natural defenses. But how does this influence our skin's appearance?

Healthy Guts, Healthy Skin: Beauty Consciousness Rising

The aforementioned defense cells ensure perfect absorption of minerals and vitamins from your diet. If this function is disturbed by, for example, an incorrect diet, this often becomes visible in the form of pimples, blackheads and impure skin. Another reason why the appearance of the skin may deteriorate is that the intestine also has a detoxifying function: if it can no longer be completely depleted, the detoxification valve becomes the skin. The substances that are excreted in the process can not only cause skin irritation but even skin diseases. A wrong diet is only one reason for such a malfunction of the intestine - antibiotics and cortisone intake can also destroy the important intestinal bacteria that keep our intestines healthy.

3 Tips for a Healthy Intestinal Flora

Colon cleansing is also a way of improving your skin. If you are already using the NAVI-products of Doris Wagner Cosmetics , you can improve the outcomes for your skin by doing something good for your guts as well.

So what are you waiting for? Take care of  yourself and your gut, then you can be sure the positive results will be written in your face!

  • Eating lots of fresh Fruit and Vegetables : You should only consider products for your shopping list that have very few or no ingredients. Therefore fresh fruits and vegetables are the best choice.
  • Eating Fibrous food : It is wonderful to promote digestion and to heal the intestines. They swell up in the intestines and prevent blockages, ensuring that toxic substances do not stay in the body for too long. But beware - with lots of fiber intake, it is necessary to drink a lot.
  • Drinking plenty of Water : Not only is it good for getting the fiber through the intestines, but also for getting dissolved toxins out of the body faster. You should drink at least two liters of water per day. Not only does it have a good effect on the intestines, but also directly on the skin: soft, smooth skin, with a lower tendency to develop cellulite.

So what are you waiting for? Take care of  yourself and your gut, then you can be sure the positive results will be written in on the face!

NAVI is a product range from Doris Wagner Cosmetics, which promises skin care with a visible improvement of skin's appearance. Combined with healthy guts it's the perfect way to beautiful skin, inside and out. Our products range from scented Day Cream to Pore-Refining Hydro-Emulsion, and a nourishing Night-Cream. If your diet can not fully combat dark spots, our one-of-a-kind Ultra-Whitening Serum sure can. And smooth cleansing of face and neck is best with mild Pure Refreshing Cleansing Gel

With a healthy intestinal flora and our unique products nothing keeps you from a more beautiful and more even complexion anymore!


Comments (2)

  • Christine on September 24, 2018

    Ich habe schon früher gehört, dass der Darm wichtiger ist, als man denkt, aber so kompakt und auf den Punkt gebracht habe ich es noch nie irgendwo gelesen. Super hilfreiche Tipps!

  • George White on September 24, 2018

    I can’t believe that problems with my guts are in direct contact with the health of my skin. I’ll keep an eye on that from now on!

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